
Posts Tagged ‘Vitamin D

Have you ever shopped your local health food store in search of vitamin C and were literally bombarded with so many different “forms” vitamin C that you just didn’t know which one to purchase?

Capsules, tablets, chewables, liquid form, powder, crystals, vitamin C gum, vitamin C syrup, time released, with or without Rose hips, ascorbic acid, the list goes on…

Trying to decide which type of vitamin C to get can be so confusing it may cause a person to walk away, but don’t worry, it is not as confusing as you may think. This article will help clear up some facts so that it will make it easier when you decide to purchase your vitamin C supplements.

The Secret: Choose the vitamin C supplement that is most convenient for you

As you can tell by the list above, vitamin C comes in many different forms. All of those choices are just fine and the reason why there are many versions of vitamin C supplements is so that you can choose one that is convenient to your lifestyle.

Here is a quick overview of the different vitamin C versions that you will find in most any health food store:

1. Vitamin C products that say they are “Ascorbic acid” and contained in tablets or capsules are designed to be swallowed like a pill. This is the standard type of product that is sold and is most convenient for anyone.

2. Next you will find vitamin C that is sold as “Ascorbic acid crystals”. This vitamin C version is perfect for any adult, especially children, that cannot or do not want to swallow pills. It comes in a powdered form that mixes well with fruit juice and can even be mixed with mixtures such as applesauce. The only drawback is the sour taste but this can be diminished by mixing it with a specific liquid of your choice.

3. Chewable vitamin C tablets have become very popular in recent years. These pieces of “gum” typically contain 250 mg of vitamin C. They are especially enjoyed by children due to their tangy and fruity taste. However, there are a few drawbacks. One is price. Chewable vitamin C tablets tend to be much more expensive than most forms. Also, because sodium ascorbate is added to help reduce acidity levels, your tooth enamel can be damaged.

4. Some people get a sour stomach when they swallow the standard versions of vitamin C capsules because it contains ascorbic acid. If this is you, then you may want to take a buffered version of vitamin C tablets that contain sodium ascorbate.

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Chromium is one mineral that many supplement companies make a huge profit on. Why? Because research has shown that supplementing with chromium can aid in weight loss and everyone wants to lose weight these days! This is probably due to its enhancement effect that it has on insulin in regards to glucose utilization.

No prescription necessary

Chromium can be found and derived from natural food sources without the need for a prescription. Foods such as beef, Apples, eggs, tomatoes, chicken, molasses, and cheese are good sources of chromium.

What are the benefits of chromium?

Chromium helps glucose to be properly metabolized. It also helps insulin regulate your blood sugar. You will find that chromium helps synthesize protein within the body. And most importantly for diabetics, chromium has been shown to help decrease the requirements for insulin and will improve the tolerance of glucose. However, these findings do not stand to work with every diabetic patient.

As stated earlier, chromium is widely known as a weight-loss supplement. In addition to its effect on reducing body fat, it may also help increase lean muscle tissue when supplemented with a healthy diet and exercise program. Last but not least, chromium has shown signs that it may help lower your body’s total cholesterol levels and LDL levels.

Can a person become deficient in chromium and if so, what are the signs?

Yes, it is entirely possible for a person to become deficient in chromium. However, because this mineral is found in so many food sources, it is an extremely rare occurrence that a person becomes ill from a chromium deficiency. But that’s not to say that some people will not be affected.

Here are a few signs of chromium deficiency: possible numbness in the arms and legs, signs that glucose, protein, and fat and the body is being metabolized at a slower rate, and the reduction in tissue sensitivity of glucose.

Can chromium become toxic at high levels?

Yes, there is a such thing as chromium toxicity. However, it is highly unlikely that this will come from eating too many foods that are abundant with chromium. What a person becomes toxic from an over dosage of chromium, it is almost always the result of over exposure of metals and other chemical properties within the environment. For example, a person can become toxic with chromium from too much exposure to tanning beds, handling chemical items such as furniture polishing, oil, metal cleaners, or working in an environment that handles cement, steel production, or glass product making.

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This article will give you information on the best weight loss vitamins. Obesity is an epidemic in the United States. More and more people are becoming overweight and developing many health problems associated with obesity such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Consuming fast foods and processed foods and not getting enough exercise is the normal routine for many Americans today. But if you are overweight and are serious about changing your diet and losing weight you should be aware that certain vitamins can aid in weight loss.

The most important vitamins for weight loss are, vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Choline which is part of the B complex, Inositol which is part of B complex and Vitamin C. These are all water soluble vitamins, which means they are not stored in the body and must be replaced daily. These vitamins have been proven to help in weight loss and to slow down weight gain in older individuals.

Vitamins B2, B3 and B6 are necessary for normal thyroid function. So if your thyroid is contributing to your weight gain, taking these vitamins can help you lose weight. Vitamin B3, which is also called niacin, is an important B-complex because of it’s role in ridding the body of toxic and harmful chemicals. It also helps to breakdown carbohydrates into energy producing glucose.

Vitamin B5, also know as Pantothenic Acid, is an important vitamin in the breakdown of fatty acids and in the production of energy. It is also important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract and can help the body use other B complex vitamins more effectively.

Choline which is a part of the B-complex vitamin is essential for ensuring efficient fat metabolism. Fat that is stored in the body can add to your weight gain. It is important that your body is able to metabolize the fat effectively to prevent this weight gain. Inositol works in conjuction with choline to help metabolize the fat in your body.

Vitamin C increases metabolic rates and energy expenditures. This increases the process of turning food into energy. When you exercise, you are able to burn more calories if your body can metabolize them faster. Vitamin C can help your body do this.

It is important for you to eat a variety of foods each day to receive your recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals. However, if you have started a diet and exercise program it will be helpful to take a good multi-vitamin. Read your label and make sure that your vitamin meets the daily requirement of the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. There is really no “magic” pill that will make you lose weight without work on your part. Your best bet for a weight loss vitamin would be vitamin B-complexes and vitamin C.

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Contrary to what some people might have you believe, vitamins and minerals do not give you energy. They can’t because they don’t supply calories. However, if you are deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, you may feel lethargic, in which case replenishing these nutrients can get you back up to speed. In addition to performing countless other jobs, vitamins and minerals help convert food into energy; they’re the compounds that allow chemical reactions to take place in your body. If fats, carbs, and protein are the bricks from which your body is made, then vitamins and minerals are the cement that holds the structure together. Vitamins, by the way, come from living sources; minerals come from inorganic sources.

Despite the sleazy marketing tactics of many vitamin manufacturers, virtually everyone can benefit from taking a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement. First, although you can get most of the vitamins and minerals you need from eating nutritious foods, the fact is, most of us don’t eat that elusive balanced diet. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, about 90 percent of us fail to get enough magnesium, chromium, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, and many other nutrients. The typical woman gets less than two-thirds the calcium she needs to help prevent osteoporosis. In a typical four-day period, nearly half of all women fail to eat a single piece of fresh fruit, and the vast majority fail to eat even one dark green leafy vegetable. This explains why women are so deficient in vitamin C, folic acid, and other vital nutrients.

Even if you make all the right food choices, it’s tough to get optimal amounts of a few particular vitamins and minerals. For instance, research suggests that vitamin E might lower your risk of cancer and heart disease, but only when you consume at least 100 IU (international units, a way of measuring tiny amounts). To get this much vitamin E from your diet, you’d have to eat 25 cups of cooked spinach or drink 1 1/4cups of vegetable oil (not recommended, by the way). Unlike with vitamin C, there’s no easy way to get vitamin E from food.

However, none of this means that you should rely on supplements for your vitamins and minerals. Scientists are learning that the vitamins or minerals alone may not prevent certain diseases; instead the benefit may come from the way these nutrients mingle with other components in food. Aim to get the vast majority of your vitamins and minerals from food and take the word supplement literally. No pill is going to compensate for a diet of chips and Budweiser. When you eat healthy foods, you not only get vitamins and minerals, but you also get protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and other nutrients.

Choose a multivitamin (rather than individual pills) with doses that don’t go much beyond 100 percent of the U.S. RDA ( Recommended Daily Allowance). Don’t bother with super potency megavitamins, which often contain more than 10 times the U.S. RDA (and cost you bundles). More isn’t always better. Your body can absorb only so much of each nutrient; if you go overboard, the rest is just excreted when you go to the bathroom.

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In this article we will look at the best vitamins for skin. Getting older takes a toll on your skin. Many years in the sun and the elements can make you look older than you really are. For women after menopause, the estrogen that is responsible for youthful skin is gone. You start to notice more and more wrinkles staring back at you in the mirror. So what can you do to get that youthful appearance back?

One of the most important vitamins for your skin is vitamin A. It strengthens the protective tissue of the skin. It is also essential for the maintenance and repair of skin tissue. In addition, vitamin A is an antioxidant. It helps fight off free radicals that can damage your body systems.

The complex B vitamins are a group of vitamins that are very effective in maintaining a healthy skin tone. This powerful group of vitamins are like a whole army of soldiers dedicated to fight off the damaging effects that pollution, stress and the environment can do to your skin and to your whole body. They work perfectly in conjunction with each other and with the other major vitamin groups to keep your body at it’s peak performance and to keep your skin looking good.

Vitamin C is another vitamin that is getting more and more good reviews every day. It is a powerful antioxidant and can help boost your body’s immune system. Vitamin C is a major factor in tissue repair, growth and healing.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that enhances healing and tissue repair. It can prevent cell damage by prohibiting the negative effects that free radicals can have on your body.

Taking good care of your skin is not just about vitamins. Eat a healthy, balanced, diet and get plenty of exercise. Try to devote at least eight hours to sleep a night. Always wear a sunscreen when you are out in the sun. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated.

There is one more thing that you can take for younger looking skin. One teaspoon of cod liver oil a day has been called the fountain of youth. Many people say that after taking just one teaspoon per day, in a year’s time they look like they have had a face lift! Cod liver oil helps to moisturize the skin and reduce wrinkles. In addition, the vitamin D that it contains helps to build strong bones and reduce your risk for osteoporosis. It also contains fatty acids that aid in the development of brain function and the development of the nervous system.

Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Take good care of it. Protect it from harmful UV rays and nourish it daily with the right vitamins and supplements. You don’t have to look your age, now that you know the right vitamin for skin.

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Vitamin C is a Versatile Antioxidants Vitamin

Vitamin C as an antioxidant, helps to reduce the activity of free radicals, which is very important in helping us to live a healthy life in many different areas. For everything from helping control high blood pressure to sharper brain function, Vitamin C appears to play an important roll.

Slice an apple into half, and it will turn brown in a very short period of time. This is an example of a process called oxidation. If the sliced apple were to be dipped in water and lemon juice when first sliced, however, the rate at which the apple turns brown is slowed. In the kitchen, we do this so that the apple will remain fresh looking when served. This happens because the Vitamin C in the lemon juice slows the rate of damage caused by oxidation.

Since its discovery vitamin C has played an important roll in our health. Vitamin C serves as a key immune system nutrient and a free-radical fighter. Because it fights free-radicals this nutrient helps prevent many illnesses. It is recommended to help cure ailments such as the common cold and devastating diseases such as cancer which are believed to be the result of unchecked free-radicals at work in our body.

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid in the scientific community and is a water-soluble vitamin. We humans need ascorbic acid for many aspects of our biochemical functioning but our bodies cannot produce our own supply of the vitamin. We need to obtain this nutrient through food or supplements to our diet.

Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, helps other antioxidants, such as Vitamin E and minerals such as selenium fight the activity of free radicals, which are by-products of normal metabolism which damage cells when left unchecked. The lack of antioxidants allows them to lower your defense system against a large number of ailments..

Just what are free radicals? Basically they are molecules with an unpaired electron. In this state, they’re highly reactive and destructive to everything they come in contact with. They are byproducts of normal chemical reactions in your body. Vitamin C helps neutralize these free radicals. It does this by being an excellent source of electrons; therefore, it “donates” electrons to free radicals and this stops their destructive activity.”

To enjoy optimal health, your body requires a balance between free radical generation and antioxidant protection. This is accomplished by keeping your body supplied with the proper amount of antioxidant Vitamins it requires.

Some good Sources of Vitamin C are Fresh squeezed Orange Juice, Fresh squeezed Grapefruit Juice, Papaya, Guave, Kiwi Fruit, Fresh Oranges, Cantaloupe,Watermelon and raw Broccoli This is by no means a complete list as almost all fruits and many vegetables offer Vitamin C.

The full extent of the effects and the recommended daily intake of vitamin C is an ongoing debate. However it is well documented that you need it and that you can not produce it by yourself so it is in your own best interest to eat some of the foods that contain vitamin C daily.

Credit by William Chaney

There are those who subscribe to the idea that taking daily vitamins will help boost their health and well-being as they age and then there are others who think supplements are nothing but a waste of money. Medical professionals also sit on both sides of the fence when it comes to these issues.

The younger population generally do not consider their health lacking and vitamins normally don’t play a role in their lives.Yet it is only when as we grow older that we begin to see how age can affect the normal wear and tear of our bodies and we start to examine this issue more intently.

Is it a search for the unattainable holy grail of youth? Or is it a waste of hard earned money? It’s worth taking the time to find out the right information that will work best for you.

When Vitamins Are Important

While infants, toddlers and women carrying children are prescribed supplementsto ensure proper nutrition and growth, these are often the only time vitamins become the norm. It’s these stages of life that are critical in proper development yet we often stop the process based on our relationships with our medical professionals.

Many professionals will insist that fresh food and vegetables are the only way to ensure the best nutrition and yet with the chemicals and additives to protect these crops and increase profit, we often lose those added benefits of freshness. Many do not have the luxury of organic produce and there are those where money plays a part in the bottom line at the grocery counter.

This is when vitamins can become an alternative. In taking a daily supplement, we can increase our overall health by making sure we are getting exactly what we need. This means talking with a medical professional or a naturopath to discuss an overall assessment to find any underlying deficiencies. With the proper lab workcompleted a treatment plan can adapted and modified for each phase as we age.

Taking Precautions

It is only with proper care that we can be sure we are not taking supplements that are unnecessary and that can cause potential harm. Taking anything in addition to a medically prescribed medication must be monitored. Supplements are meant to enhance health naturally but can in fact alter existing medication causing potential harm.

With increases in heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and stress, excessive vitamins, or supplements can do more harm than good. Never make the mistake of self diagnosis based on hearsay as each person’s condition is unique and must be tailored to the individual.

It is not just about popping a multivitamin because you are feeling tired. Being aware of how your body responds as we age means taking the time to research what we can do naturally to help ease the process.

Being done hand in hand with the advice of your medical professional is always the best way to be in control of your health safely.

Credit by Gertie And Gord Guide

The body requires a large number of vitamins and nutrients in order to keep working properly, and the fashionable lifestyle has many habits that consistently deprive the body of these vital molecules. This can mean that once a hard day’s work, you are constantly craving food, as the body desperately tries to restore everything that you have lost throughout the day. You will also experience feelings of tiredness, going to bed early and not exercising because you’re simply too weary. If this goes on for too long, you could find yourself turning into less immune to colds and other bugs, making you a lot likely to lose nutrients since the body tries to repair itself.

All of this means that you must consider taking a vitamin supplement on a daily basis. If this seems something that you’d never think about, then you should even bear in mind that several of us buy our fruit and vegetables from supermarkets, instead of local markets, and we frequently eat food grown ‘out of season’. These greens are likely to have leached vitamins into the soil as the grower forced it to increase in size, making them just about hopeless as sources of vitamins. If you might be at all worried regarding whether or not you are getting all of your required vitamins, then it is time to purchase vitamins online so as to supplement your diet.

There are plenty of available vitamin supplement pills online, so you want to carefully think about what you need before you buy. No-one can want all of the vitamins that are available, so you should focus your attention upon vitamin deficiencies that cause tiredness and ill health, such as a lack of vitamin D, Vitamin A, and a few of the B vitamins. You could choose to take a multi vitamin supplement that will provide you much of what you want every day. When you come to purchase vitamins online, look at the maker of the pills, and where they are from. Very cheap pills are often not made to ethical standards, and this can signify that you get less nutrients inside the pill than are supposed to be there, or that there are additional ingredients which could cause an allergic reaction. However, there are lots of ethical sources of vitamins and minerals out there who will be ready to produce you with the proper dosage for your needs.

Credit by Keith Woolley

A fast paced lifestyle can take its toll on the health and appearance of Americans. Most do not get adequate sleep, nourishment, and exercise. This is one of the reasons why vitamins and supplements have become household names. An average American needs at least thirteen vitamins to keep the body in good shape and keep everyone going. But do they improve a person’s appearance?

The Following Are The Vitamins That Can Greatly Improve A Person’s Appearance:

1. Vitamin E.

Perhaps the most popular vitamin that is often associated with beautiful skin is Vitamin E. It protects fatty acids and keeps oxidation inside the body cells. It also helps keep body tissues from breaking down.
According to US Recommended Daily Supplement (RDA), people who are 19 years or older require at least 15 milligrams of Vitamin E each day. Good sources of Vitamin E are eggs, tomato juice, apples, avocados, spinach, potatoes, turnips, etc.

Having a beautiful skin will definitely improve the appearance of a person. Achieving this is easy; it only takes knowledge about Vitamin E and the proper intake of it.

2. Vitamin C.

This is very essential to the body and its appearance; lack of it causes Scurvy. This disease causes inflamed and bleeding gums that result in tooth loss, slow wound healing, bumps on the legs and arms, and easy bruising.

Vitamin C comes from citrus fruits such as limes, grapefruit, and oranges. It can also be found in vegetables such as green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

3. Vitamin D.

This improves the posture by protecting the bones and muscles. An adequate supply of vitamin D3 (also known as calcium) protects a person from Osteoporosis. Obtaining this vitamin from food alone may not be easy, and for this reason it is recommended to consider using supplements. The most common sources of Vitamin D are oysters, clams, etc.; fish such as salmon and sardines; eggs, beef liver, etc.

4. Vitamin B.

There are 8 groups of B-complex vitamins; these are B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or Niacin, B6 or pyridoxine, B9 or folic acid, B12 or cyanocobalamin, etc. They provide energy for the body and make skin healthy.

Vitamin B can be found in cereal, rice, meat, corn, nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, etc.

Vitamins, like food, are essential for keeping the body in good shape and improve its appearance. Getting them is easy as ABC. Eating a well balanced diet combined with taking vitamins is the way to go.

This blog is created to gather information and articles about vitamins and minerals. It may be only a part knowledge. But I’d like to share them with anyone who interested. You may have many questions before you decide to take vitamins and minerals. Do you need vitamin or not, what kind ,when or how. You might be able to get the answers from this blog. I sincerely hope that the information I have collected will be useful to many people, and help you for decision to take vitamins and minerals properly. For good health and longevity of you. Thanks to all article owners in this opportunity.
